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Dear Students and Parents, Wishing you all a wonderful life. In CMC you can be assured that students are in safe and expert hands of our able and noble staff.

Every morning as I enter through the CMC gate, I go into a state of blissful oblivion. The visual treat of the uniformed students, their organized drills and aroma of the dust from their parade, and some students doing vigorous exercise, all gives me a feeling of entering into an army attachment camp where discipline is honed.

Then as I board the ship "T.S.CLARISSA” very beautiful memories of sea life pervade throughout my body and mind.

With all this feeling and floating I reach my cabin and become aware that now I am a teacher. I thank God and remain grateful for this, because very few get the opportunity to transfer experience and knowledge to the future marine fraternity.

The nobility of this profession sink in, as Dr. Kalam say’s this is not a profession, it is a Divine work to make people know what they are capable of
"People need coaches to deepen their skills,
need teachers to expand their knowledge,
need mentors to hone their professional abilities,
need gurus to realize their spiritual self"

We have the combination of all this in our teachers who are experienced and have knowledge. We are the beacons helping students to go beyond their capabilities. This is the uniqueness and pride of CMC teachers. The greatness of a teacher is to reveal to the student his capabilities. The greatness of the student is to live up to the capabilities revealed.

Best Wishes

C/E. Kaushik Dasgupta
Principal, Coimbatore Marine College

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